If you have discovered your child wandering into pagan sites and don't approve, don't take away thier computer priviliges just yet. First, take the time to learn what paganism is really about. It is in no way, shape, or form devil worship or practicing the "black arts". In fact, true pagans don't condone such things. What paganism IS, is a life-affirming religion that worships both a Goddess and a God. Although the church condemns the practice of witchcraft and paganism, you would be surprised at how many Christian and Catholic customs come from these practices. Besides, it's healthy for your child to be experiencing new things. That means they care and are thinking for themselves rather than mindlessly following whoever is in charge (especially since the person in charge often-times thinks s/he is always right). Also, supporting thier search for different things encourages them and shows them that you care about their opinions (and as a teenager, I can tell you that if you convince a child you care about their opinions, that child will be a whole lot more willing to listen to what you have to say). Thank you for your time, patience, and ear, I hope I have enlightened you a little, and if you have gotten this far, when you make your decision, you can honestly say that you've made an INFORMED decision. Good Luck and blesséd be :)